

X10-based SDP など X10 関係者に関係するページ

計算化学に関係する X10 ベースの計算ライブラリ

上記に関係する論文は以下の IPDPSの論文。
X10 as a parallel language for scientific computation: practice and experience


Near-term Target Conferences

IPDPS2012 併設ワークショップ
2012 International Workshop on High Performance Data Intensive Computing(HPDIC2012)
Research Contents: StreamGPU (Matsuura)

IPDPS2012 併設ワークショップ
ParLearning 2012
- Real-time solutions for learning algorithms on parallel platforms
Due: 2012/01/18
Notification: 2012/02/01
Research Contents:
- StreamGPU (Morita and Ueno)
- Bipartite Graph

Due: 2012/2/13
Notification: 2012/3/26

- VCTLPerf + Linear Road Benchmark
- Graph500 on Amazon EC2
Submission Deadline: February 10, 2012
Full Paper Submission Due Date: February 15, 2012
Decision Notification (Electronic): March 15, 2012

HPDC 2012
- Graph500 (Ueno)
- StreamGPU : GPU Task Parallelism (Ueno)
Abstracts Due: 16 January 2012
Papers Due: 23 January 2012, 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time
Author Notifications: 19 March 2012

SACSIS 2012 (Domestic Conference)
- StreamGPU (Ueno)
- StreamAPU (Matsuura)
- I-GIMV (Ganse)
- Incremental Spectral Clustering (Nishii)
- SDP with X10 (Watanabe)
Due: 2012/1/20
Notification: 2012/3

PLDI X10 Workwhop
Paper submission deadline: February 28, 2012
Author Notification: March 28, 2012
- X10-based X10 : Watanabe
- Performance Evaluation of X10-based Graph Algorithms on TSUBAME: Hashikawa and Watanabe

EuroPar 2012
Deadline for abstracts: January 31, 2012
Deadline for full papers: February 7, 2012
Decision notification: May 11, 2012

Supercomputing 2012
- Graph500 (Ueno) (It depends on the result of HPDC)

Winter Simulation Conference 2012
- Due: 2012/4
- Notification: 2012/6
- X10-based Large simulation platform

ACM Middleware Conferece
- Due: 2012/5

- Due: 2012/6


The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery


Of Hammers and Nails: An Empirical Comparison of Three Paradigms for Processing Large Graphs


Of Hammers and Nails: An Empirical Comparison of Three Paradigms for Processing Large Graphs

Many phenomena and artifacts such as road networks, social networks and the web can be modeled as large graphs and analyzed
using graph algorithms. However, given the size of the underlying
graphs, efficient implementation of basic operations such as connected component analysis, approximate shortest paths, and linkbased ranking (e.g.PageRank) becomes challenging.
This paper presents an empirical study of computations on such
large graphs in three well-studied platform models, viz., a relational
model, a data-parallel model, and a special-purpose in-memory
model. We choose a prototypical member of each platform model
and analyze the computational efficiencies and requirements for
five basic graph operations used in the analysis of real-world graphs
viz., PageRank, SALSA, Strongly Connected Components (SCC),
Weakly Connected Components (WCC), and Approximate Shortest Paths (ASP). Further, we characterize each platform in terms of
these computations using model-specific implementations of these
algorithms on a large web graph. Our experiments show that there
is no single platform that performs best across different classes of
operations on large graphs. While relational databases are powerful and flexible tools that support a wide variety of computations,
there are computations that benefit from using special-purpose storage systems and others that can exploit data-parallel platforms



- GPGPU による高速化
- システムプロファイリング:どこにどのぐらい時間を費やしているのか?
- 下位の基盤をSystem S 非依存にし、TSUBAME で大規模実行できるようにする


アプリ屋の requirement および実際に使っている手法等を知るため、情報交換の場をセットしていきましょう。
候補としては、まず上がるのが、東大松尾先生、東大鹿島先生、東工大杉山先生、IBM TRLのデータマイニング屋でお客様案件を担当している研究者など。



MovieLens (映画に対する Rating) というデータセットを使って協調フィルタリング+ベイジアンネットを使って解析


Random Walks on Directed and Undirected Graphs


Random walk with restart に対する高速な Top-k 検索

Random walk with restart に対する高速な Top-k 検索


An In-Depth Study of Stochastic Kronecker Graphs

ICDM に参加中の村田先生からのメッセージ。

"An In-Depth Study of Stochastic Kronecker Graphs"
C. Seshadhri, Ali Pinar, and Tamara G. Kolda,
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on
Data Mining, pp.587-596, 2011.

タイトルの通り、(Graph500で用いられる)Kronecker Graphの研究です。発表を聞いただけで論文はまだ読んでいないのですが、
・次数分布はheavy tailでもpower lawでもなく、論文中の図の
・ノイズを入れたnoisy SKGになると次数分布が直線に近づく

MLG 2010 Workshop


RAMGRAPH: large scale graph processing in RAMCloud


Recently, the pay-as-you-go computing paradigm in public clouds such as Amazon EC2 offers users to execute their computational tasks on the rented virtualized computation resources. Due to the lower cost than hosting a private cloud, this paradigm has become popular for medium- and small-sized Web companies such as Alexa and SmugMug. Mining and processing the large web and social networks is one of the common regular tasks for those Web companies. For example, a search engine typically uses a graph-based ranking scheme such as PageRank to give an order to the pages. Moreover, those mining and processing tasks are highly customized with various user-defined logics applied on the entire graph. The requirement of high efficiency in large scale graph processing challenges existing tools. This is because, most of current tools such as MapReduce and Hadoop are disk-based, where the hard disk is typically 100-1000x slower than the main memory. The random access nature of graph processing further harnesses the performance of disk-based graph processing. The low efficiency of current disk-based systems limits the popularity of graph mining and business intelligence in Web companies, and can result in low utilization of existing investment and lose potential business opportunities.

To unleash the computation power of current cloud offerings, we propose Thunder, a large graph processing system in the main memories of hundreds or thousands of machines. Thunder stores and processes graphs entirely in the main memory, and uses hard disks only for backup and archrivals. The system provides APIs similar to Map and Reduce functions in MapReduce for users to implement their user-defined logics. These logics are automatically executed on the graph in a distributed manner.

The goal of designing and implementing Thunder is to exploit the advantage of in-memory processing, while remaining all the merits of conventional disk-based tools, namely excellent scalability, good fault-tolerance and ability of expressing arbitrary and complex customized logic. In particular, we are facing challenging issues like scalability, availability, complex memory management, network traffic reducing and so on.

Polonium: Tera-Scale Graph Mining and Inference for Malware Detection


We present Polonium, a novel Symantec technology
that detects malware through large-scale graph infer-
ence. Based on the scalable Belief Propagation algo-
rithm, Polonium infers every le's reputation,
les with low reputation as malware. We evaluated
Polonium with a billion-node graph constructed from
the largest le submissions dataset ever published (60
terabytes). Polonium attained a high true positive rate
of 87% in detecting malware; in the eld, Polonium
lifted the detection rate of existing methods by 10 ab-
solute percentage points. We detail Polonium's design
and implementation features instrumental to its success.
Polonium has served 120 million people and helped an-
swer more than one trillion queries for le reputation.

Router: A Message Passing Model for Large-Scale Graph Mining



many parallel computational models have been employed in many papers to process the large-scale graph. In this paper, we propose a message passing model Router which could be invoked by most of current parallel computational models to process the large graph. The model is good at solving the multi-source traversal problem which often occurs in many complex graph algorithms. As the model can traverse the graph from different source at the same time, the multi-source traversal will finish in much less iteration than before. In this way, the total time of the algorithm involves multi-source traversal will be reduced in a large scale. Besides, the Router model is flexible enough to express a broad set of algorithms by implementing the Router's abstract method. Finally, the experiment shows the efficiency and scalability of the model.

Router: A Message Passing Model for Large-Scale Graph Mining


Large-Scale Graph Mining Using Backbone Refinement Classes

We present a new approach to large-scale graph mining
based on so-called backbone refinement classes. The method
efficiently mines tree-shaped subgraph descriptors under minimum frequency and significance constraints, using classes
of fragments to reduce feature set size and running times.
The classes are defined in terms of fragments sharing a common backbone. The method is able to optimize structural
inter-feature entropy as opposed to occurrences, which is
characteristic for open or closed fragment mining. In the
experiments, the proposed method reduces feature set sizes
by >90 % and >30 % compared to complete tree mining and
open tree mining, respectively. Evaluation using crossvalidation runs shows that their classification accuracy is similar to the complete set of trees but significantly better than
that of open trees. Compared to open or closed fragment
mining, a large part of the search space can be pruned due
to an improved statistical constraint (dynamic upper bound
adjustment), which is also confirmed in the experiments in
lower running times compared to ordinary (static) upper
bound pruning. Further analysis using large-scale datasets
yields insight into important properties of the proposed descriptors, such as the dataset coverage and the class size
represented by each descriptor. A final cross-validation run
confirms that the novel descriptors render large training sets
feasible which previously might have been intractable.

Tools for Large Graph Mining


Graphs show up in a surprisingly diverse set of disciplines, ranging from computer networks to sociology, biology, ecology and many more. How do such “normal” graphs look like? How can we spot abnormal subgraphs within them? Which
nodes/edges are “suspicious?” How does a virus spread over a graph? Answering
these questions is vital for outlier detection (such as terrorist cells, money laundering rings), forecasting, simulations (how well will a new protocol work on a realistic
computer network?), immunization campaigns and many other applications.
We attempt to answer these questions in two parts. First, we answer questions
targeted at applications: what patterns/properties of a graph are important for solving
specific problems? Here, we investigate the propagation behavior of a computer virus
over a network, and find a simple formula for the epidemic threshold (beyond which
any viral outbreak might become an epidemic). We find an “information survival
threshold” which determines whether, in a sensor or P2P network with failing nodes
and links, a piece of information will survive or not. We also develop a scalable,
parameter-free method for finding groups of “similar” nodes in a graph, corresponding
to homogeneous regions (or CrossAssociations) in the binary adjacency matrix of the
graph. This can help navigate the structure of the graph, and find un-obvious patterns.
In the second part of our work, we investigate recurring patterns in real-world
graphs, to gain a deeper understanding of their structure. This leads to the development
of the R-MAT model of graph generation for creating synthetic but “realistic” graphs,
which match many of the patterns found in real-world graphs, including power-law
and lognormal degree distributions, small diameter and “community” effects.

Workshop on Graph Mining

MLG 2011 : Ninth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs


Temporal analysis of semantic graphs using ASALSAN ∗


ASALSAN is a new algorithm for computing three-way
DEDICOM, which is a linear algebra model for analyzing
intrinsically asymmetric relationships, such as trade among
nations or the exchange of emails among individuals, that
incorporates a third mode of the data, such as time. ASALSAN is unique because it enables computing the three-way
DEDICOM model on large, sparse data. A nonnegative version of ASALSAN is described as well. When we apply these
techniques to adjacency arrays arising from directed graphs
with edges labeled by time, we obtain a smaller graph on latent semantic dimensions and gain additional information
about their changing relationships over time. We demonstrate these techniques on international trade data and the
Enron email corpus to uncover latent components and their
transient behavior. The mixture of roles assigned to individuals by ASALSAN showed strong correspondence with
known job classifications and revealed the patterns of communication between these roles. Changes in the communication pattern over time, e.g., between top executives and
the legal department, were also apparent in the solutions.

Matching Structure and Semantics: A Survey on Graph-Based Pattern Matching


Find Me If You Can: Improving Geographical Prediction with Social and Spatial Proximity


Geography and social relationships are inextricably inter-
twined; the people we interact with on a daily basis almost
always live near us. As people spend more time online,
data regarding these two dimensions { geography and so-
cial relationships { are becoming increasingly precise, allow-
ing us to build reliable models to describe their interaction.
These models have important implications in the design of
location-based services, security intrusion detection, and so-
cial media supporting local communities.
Using user-supplied address data and the network of asso-
ciations between members of the Facebook social network,
we can directly observe and measure the relationship be-
tween geography and friendship. Using these measurements,
we introduce an algorithm that predicts the location of an
individual from a sparse set of located users with perfor-
mance that exceeds IP-based geolocation. This algorithm
is e cient and scalable, and could be run on hundreds of
millions of users.

SIAM AN10 Minisymposium on Analyzing Massive Real-World Graphs


10:30-10:55 People You May Know
Lars Backstrom, Facebook
Facebook's friend recommendation system helps people connect with their friends. Our system, called People You May Know, uses a combination of results from sociology and machine learning to make the best suggestions possible. We will look at some of the challenges involved in building a system that can handle the scale of Facebook and provide high quality recommendations. In this talk I will discuss both the algorithmic and machine learning challenges that we have faced and overcome in building this system.

11:00-11:25 Modularity and Graph Algorithms
Joe McCloskey, National Security Agency; David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology
A number of graph partitioning algorithms are based on the concept of modularity. In particular Clauset, Newman and Moore (CNM) have developed a greedy agglomerative graph partitioning algorithm that scales well but is known to have several flaws. Fortunato and Barthelemy have performed a rigorous analysis of the CNM algorithm that elucidates it problems. More recently Berry, Hendrickson, Laviolette, and Phillips have derived a weighted variant of CNM that performs much better in practice. This talk will focus on a different version of the parent CNM algorithm based on a statistical re-interpretation of CNM that also addresses some of the issues with the original algorithm.
11:30-11:55 Exploiting Sparsity in the Statistical Analysis of Gene Expression Data
Padma Raghavan, Anirban Chatterjee, and Francesca Chiaromonte, Pennsylvania State University

12:00-12:25 Scalable Methods for Representing, Characterizing, and Generating Large Graphs
Ali Pinar, Sandia National Laboratories

Monday, July 12
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh B - Level 3

4:00-4:25 Hybrid Parallel Programming for Massive Graph Analysis
Kamesh Madduri, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

4:30-4:55 Tools and Primitives for High-performance Graph Computation
John Gilbert, University of California, Santa Barbara

5:00-5:25 Practical Heuristics for Inexact Subgraph Isomorphism
Jon Berry, Sandia National Laboratories

5:30-5:55 Spectral Methods for Subgraph Detection
Nadya Bliss and Benjamin A. Miller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Patrick J. Wolfe, Harvard University
We describe a statistical test for subgraph detection and localization using spectral properties of the so-called modularity matrix, a type of residual under the Chung-Lu random graph model. We show that the resultant algorithmic procedure can be applied to very large graphs ($< 10^6$ vertices), with complexity dominated by that of standard sparse eigensolver methods, and can successfully isolate anomalous vertices in real data examples.
Workshop Organizer:

Graph-based technologies for intelligence analysis

Cyber Security


A graph-theoretic analysis of the human protein-interaction network using multicore parallel algorithms


Due to fundamental physical limitations and power constraints, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in commodity microprocessor architecture to multicore designs. Continued performance now requires the exploitation of concurrency at the algorithm level. In this article, we demonstrate the application of high performance computing techniques in systems biology and present multicore algorithms for the important research problem of protein-interaction network (PIN) analysis. PINs play an important role in understanding the functional and organizational principles of biological processes. Promising computational techniques for key systems biology research problems such as identification of signaling pathways, novel protein function prediction, and the study of disease mechanisms, are based on topological characteristics of the protein interactome. Several complex network models have been proposed to explain the evolution of protein networks, and these models primarily try to reproduce the topological features observed in yeast, the model eukaryote interactome. In this article, we study the structural properties of a high-confidence human interaction network, constructed by assimilating recent experimentally derived interaction data. We identify topological properties common to the yeast and human protein networks. Betweenness is a quantitative measure of centrality of an entity in a complex network, and is based on computing all-pairs shortest paths in the graph. A novel contribution of our work is the analysis of the degree-betweenness centrality correlation in the human PIN. Jeong et al. empirically showed that betweenness is positively correlated with the essentiality and evolutionary age of a protein. We observe that proteins with high betweenness, but low degree (or connectivity) are abundant in the human PIN. We have designed efficient and portable parallel implementations for the exact calculation of betweenness and other compute-intensive centrality metrics relevant to interactome analysis. For example, on the Sun Fire T2000 server with the UltraSparc T1 (Niagara) processor, we achieve a relative speedup of about 16 using 32 threads for a typical instance of betweenness centrality on a PIN, reducing the running time from nearly 312min to 13s.

Andy's work on dataflow language


Survey (2)

Closeness Centralityの高いノードを発見する高速アルゴリズム









ページ閲覧時間を考慮した Web ログマイニング手法の提案
近年,Web サイトの複雑化・大規模化に伴い,Web サイト管理者がユーザのニーズ
に合わせて Web サイトを適宜改善していく必要が高まっている.このユーザのニーズを
知る手がかりの一つとして有用なのが Web アクセスログである.Web アクセスログを解
析することで,ユーザの Web サイト内での行動の様子を知ることができる.本稿では,
Web アクセスログ解析にデータマイニングを応用する Web ログマイニングに関連して,





Graph Mining based Background Removal from Videos Solving Background Separation






阪大・猪口先生 (元TRL) のご研究




TextGraphs-4: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

TextGraphs-4: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

Graph Crest Meeting @ 東工大

CREST meeting


計算量 ( n=1億(現在)→10億(将来) )
|n^3 ( 藤澤先生 )

|【n^2】 ← 重要 !!
| クラスタリング,etc..
| m*n^1/2
|n log n ( Google )
|log n
| web-service

・離散&グラフ (中心性やクラスタリング、直径)


・マッチング問題(1対1の暗号化、匿名化 anonimization)(一対一)

・最小費用流(マッチングの拡張)割り当てが解ける(多対多)   行列の最小固有値問題



データを捨てる。genom generator?爆発的なデータは?

→ストリーミングアルゴリズムはあまり将来性がない? ストリーミングでは粒度が細かすぎる、

cps (cyber phisical system)


- - - - - - - - - -
|A∩B| / |A∪B|
- - - - - - - - - -







Stream Computing を用いたリアルタイム交通管理



TRL の加藤さんが書いた論文 http://www-06.ibm.com/ibm/jp/provision/no64/pdf/64_report.pdf
の 5.2 章参照

予測アルゴリズムは IBM ワトソンの Wanli が以下の論文で提唱。


Google Map 上のリアルタイム交通状況可視化

Android 携帯でユーザーが現在位置情報の機能を有効しているのみ Google のサーバーに送信。位置データと速度から交通状況を把握




IBM Parallel Debugger for X10 Programming


NVIDIA ブースでの SC11 でのトーク


Flume + Cassandra



Spectral Clustering

Parallel Spectral Clustering in Distributed Systems

Spectral clustering algorithms have been shown to be more effective in finding clusters than some traditional
algorithms such as k-means. However, spectral clustering suffers from a scalability problem in both memory use and
computational time when the size of a data set is large. To perform clustering on large data sets, we investigate two
representative ways of approximating the dense similarity matrix. We compare one approach by sparsifying the matrix
with another by the Nyström method. We then pick the strategy of sparsifying the matrix via retaining nearest neighbors
and investigate its parallelization. We parallelize both memory use and computation on distributed computers. Through
an empirical study on a document data set of 193; 844 instances and a photo data set of 2; 121; 863, we show that
our parallel algorithm can effectively handle large problems.

Parallelization of spectral clustering algorithm on multi-core processors and GPGPU

Spectral clustering is a widely-used algorithm in the field of information retrieval, data mining, machine learning and many others. It can help to cluster a large number of data into several categories without requiring any additional information about the dataset or the categories, so that people can find information by categories easily. In this paper, we parallelize the algorithm proposed by Andrew Y. Ng, Michael I. Jordan and Yair Weiss. We provide two versions of implementation: one is parallelized in OpenMP; the other is programmed in the NVIDIA CUDA (compute unified device architecture), which is the environment provided by NVIDIA to program on its CUDA-Enabled GPGPUs (general-purpose graphic processing unit). We can achieve about three times speedup in OpenMP and around ten times speedup using CUDA in our experiments.

On a strategy for spectral clustering with parallel computation
VECPAR'10 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on High performance computing for computational science

pectral Clustering is one of the most important method based on space dimension reduction used in Pattern Recognition. This method consists in selecting dominant eigenvectors of a matrix called affinity matrix in order to define a low-dimensional data space in which data points are easy to cluster. By exploiting properties of Spectral Clustering, we propose a method where we apply independently the algorithm on particular subdomains and gather the results to determine a global partition. Additionally, with a criterion for determining the number of clusters, the domain decomposition strategy for parallel spectral clustering is robust and efficient.


Graph500 on Amazon EC2 (Cluster Computer Instances)


23 GB メモリ
33.5 EC2 Compute Unit(2 x Intel Xeon X5570、quad-core「Nehalem」アーキテクチャ)
1690 GB インスタンスストレージ
64ビット プラットフォーム
I/O 性能: 超高速(10 ギガビットイーサネット)
API 名: cc1.4xlarge

Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large を使用すると、1時間 2.40 $.
128 ノードを1時間使用すると、1ドル80円計算で 約 25000円.

Graph Stream Analytics : Pattern Matching

Large-Scale Continuous Subgraph Queries on Streams

Graph pattern matching involves finding exact or approximate matches for a query subgraph in a larger graph. It has been studied extensively and has strong applications in domains such as computer vision, computational biology, social networks, security and finance.The problem of exact graph pattern matching is often described in terms of subgraph isomorphism which is NP-complete. The exponential growth in streaming data from online social networks, news and video streams and the continual need for situational awareness motivates a solution for finding patterns in streaming updates. This
is also the prime driver for the real-time analytics market. Development of incremental algorithms for graph pattern matching on streaming inputs to a continually evolving graph is a nascent area of research. Some of the challenges associated with this problem are the same as found in continuous query (CQ) evaluation on streaming databases. This paper reviews some of the representative work from the exhaustively researched field of CQ systems and identifies important semantics, constraints and architectural features that are also appropriate for HPC systems performing real-time graph analytics. For each of these features we present a brief discussion of the challenge encountered in the database realm, the approach to the
solution and state their relevance in a high-performance, streaming
graph processing framework.



GraphStream: A Dynamic Graph Library


静的・動的グラフの可視化ライブラリ. Version 1.1. YouTube のビデオあり

X10 ベースの大規模交通シミュレーション実行基盤

道路ネットワークを領域分割することによって複数ノードで高速化されることは明らかであり、TSUBAME 上での妥当な結果が出つつある。ただ、一部の領域においては非常に時間がかかっており、これは車両の経路が通る重要な道路の許容量が少ないから。現在出ている性能分析により、今後は、より研究としての落としどころをつめていかないといけませんが、「Work Stealing 機構によって、動的に混雑度の高い領域に X10 アクティビティを生成する方式」を実装することにより、研究としての価値が生まれるでしょう。

Graph Stream Mining


Insider Threat Detection using Stream Mining and Graph Mining

Evidence of malicious insider activity is often
buried within large data streams, such as system logs
accumulated over months or years. Ensemble-based stream
mining leverages multiple classification models to achieve
highly accurate anomaly detection in such streams even
when the stream is unbounded, evolving, and unlabeled.
This makes the approach effective for identifying insider threats who attempt to conceal their activities by
varying their behaviors over time. This paper applies
ensemble-based stream mining, unsupervised learning, and
graph-based anomaly detection to the problem of insider
threat detection, demonstrating that the ensemble-based
approach is significantly more effective than traditional
single-model methods.
Index Terms—anomaly d

Gremlin: グラフ解析特化型言語


Graph database



Neo4J and Real Scenario

グラフ応用 - Cyber Security


Measure Large Scale Network Security Using Adjacency Matrix Attack Graphs

An Attack Graph capable of disclosing causal relationships between multiple vulnerabilities has become a desirable tool for administrators to analyze and locate potential risks to protect critical networked resources against internal or external multi-step attacks. However, probabilistic security metric computations, using currently applied attack graphs, have complexity problems due to their scale. It is hard or even impossible for current attack graphs to be applied to large scale networks. This paper proposes a novel approach that combines the advantages of exploit-dependency attack graphs and adjacency matrices, which results in quadratic complexity. We first give a motivating example to introduce the approach. We then define the adjacency matrix attack graphs. We show that computing probabilistic cumulative scores by means of adjacency matrix attack graphs is efficient and readily scalable.

BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection

Network security applications often require analyzing
huge volumes of data to identify abnormal patterns or
activities. The emergence of cloud-computing models
opens up new opportunities to address this challenge by
leveraging the power of parallel computing.
In this paper, we design and implement a novel system
called BotGraph to detect a new type of botnet spamming
attacks targeting major Web email providers. Bot-
Graph uncovers the correlations among botnet activities
by constructing large user-user graphs and looking for
tightly connected subgraph components. This enables us
to identify stealthy botnet users that are hard to detect
when viewed in isolation. To deal with the huge data
volume, we implement BotGraph as a distributed application
on a computer cluster, and explore a number of
performance optimization techniques. Applying it to two
months of Hotmail log containing over 500 million users,
BotGraph successfully identified over 26 million botnetcreated
user accounts with a low false positive rate. The
running time of constructing and analyzing a 220GB Hotmail
log is around 1.5 hours with 240 machines. We believe
both our graph-based approach and our implementations
are generally applicable to a wide class of security
applications for analyzing large datasets.



Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems

Recent developments in the quantitative analysis of complex networks, based
largely on graph theory, have been rapidly translated to studies of brain network organization.
The brain’s structural and functional systems have features of complex networks — such as
small-world topology, highly connected hubs and modularity — both at the whole-brain
scale of human neuroimaging and at a cellular scale in non-human animals. In this article, we
review studies investigating complex brain networks in diverse experimental modalities
(including structural and functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetoencephalography
and electroencephalography in humans) and provide an accessible introduction to the
basic principles of graph theory. We also highlight some of the technical challenges and key
questions to be addressed by future developments in this rapidly moving field.

Madduri's work


Parallel Shortest Path Algorithms for Solving Large-Scale Instances

We present an experimental study of the single source shortest path problem with non-negative edge weights (NSSP) on largescale graphs using the Delta-stepping parallel algorithm. We report performance results on the Cray MTA-2, a multithreaded parallel computer. The MTA-2 is a high-end shared memory system offering two unique features that aid the efficient parallel implementation of irregular algorithms: the ability to exploit fine-grained parallelism, and low-overhead synchronization primitives. Our implementation exhibits remarkable parallel speedup when compared with competitive sequential algorithms, for low-diameter sparse graphs. For instance, Delta-stepping on a directed scale-free graph of 100 million vertices and 1 billion edges takes less than ten seconds on 40 processors of the MTA-2, with a relative speedup of close to 30. To our knowledge, these are the first performance results of a shortest path problem on realistic graph instances in the order of billions of vertices and edges.

HPC Graph Analytics


Distributed Graph Analytics

Δ-stepping: a parallelizable shortest path algorithm

The single source shortest path problem for arbitrary directed graphs with n nodes, m edges and nonnegative edge weights can sequentially be solved using O(n ċ log n + m) operations. However, no work-efficient parallel algorithm is known that runs in sublinear time for arbitrary graphs. In this paper we present a rather simple algorithm for the single source shortest path problem. Our new algorithm, which we call Delta-stepping, can be implemented very efficiently in sequential and parallel setting for a large class of graphs. For random edge weights and arbitrary graphs with maximum node degree d, sequential Δ-stepping needs O(n + m + d ċ L) total average-case time, where L denotes the maximum shortest path weight from the source node s to any node reachable from s. For example, this means linear time on directed graphs with constant maximum degree. Our best parallel version for a PRAM takes O(d ċ L ċ log n + log2 n) time and O(n + m + d ċ L ċ log n) work on average. For random graphs, even O(log2 n) time and O(n + m) work on average can be achieved. We also discuss how the algorithm can be adapted to work with nonrandom edge weights and how it can be implemented on distributed memory machines. Experiments indicate that already a simple implementation of the algorithm achieves significant speedup on real machines.

Single-Source Shortest Paths with the Parallel Boost Graph Library
The Parallel Boost Graph Library (Parallel BGL) is a library of graph algorithms and data structures for distributed-memory computation on large graphs. Developed with the Generic Programming
paradigm, the Parallel BGL is highly customizable, supporting various graph data structures, arbitrary
vertex and edge properties, and different communication media. In this paper, we describe the implementation of two parallel variants of Dijkstra’s single-source shortest paths algorithm in the Parallel BGL.We also provide an experimental evaluation of these implementations using synthetic and real-world benchmark graphs from the 9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge.

A Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm Based on Graph-Partitioning and Iterative Correcting, 2010
In this paper, we focus on satisfying the actual demands of quickly finding the shortest paths over real-road networks in an intelligent transportation system. A parallel shortest path algorithm based on graph partitioning and iterative correcting is proposed. After evaluating the algorithm using three real road networks, we conclude that our graph- partitioning and iterative correcting based parallel algorithm has good performance. In addition, it achieves more than a 15-fold speedup on 16 processors in an IBM cluster over these real road networks.

Design and Analysis of Sequential and Parallel Single–Source Shortest–Paths Algorithms, Ulrich Meyer

e study the performance of algorithms for the Single-Source Shortest-Paths (SSSP) problem on graphs with nodes and edges with nonnegative random weights. All previously known SSSP algorithms for directed graphs required superlinear time. We give the first SSSP algorithms that provably achieve linear average-case execution time on arbitrary directed graphs with random edge weights. For independent edge weights, the linear-time bound holds with high probability, too. Additionally, our result implies im- proved average-case bounds for the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP) problem on sparse graphs, and it yields the first theoretical average-case analysis for the “Approximate Bucket Implementation” of Dijkstra’s SSSP algorithm (ABI–Dijkstra). Furthermore, we give con- structive proofs for the existence of graph classes with random edge weights on which ABI–Dijkstra and several other well-known SSSP algorithms require superlinear average- case time. Besides the classical sequential (single processor) model of computation we also consider parallel computing: we give the currently fastest average-case linear-work parallel SSSP algorithms for large graph classes with random edge weights, e.g., sparse random graphs and graphs modeling the WWW, telephone calls or social networks.


MapReduce in MPI for Large-scale Graph Algorithms, 2010

We describe a parallel library written with message-passing (MPI) calls that allows algo- rithms to be expressed in the MapReduce paradigm. This means the calling program does not need to include explicit parallel code, but instead provides “map” and “reduce” functions that operate independently on elements of a data set distributed across processors. The library performs needed data movement between processors. We describe how typical MapReduce functionality can be implemented in an MPI context, and also in an out-of-core manner for data sets that do not fit within the aggregate memory of a parallel machine. Our motivation for creating this library was to enable graph algorithms to be written as MapReduce opera- tions, allowing processing of terabyte-scale data sets on traditional MPI-based clusters. We outline MapReduce versions of several such algorithms: vertex ranking via PageRank, triangle finding, connected component identification, Luby’s algorithm for maximally independent sets, and single-source shortest-path calculation. To test the algorithms on arbitrarily large artifi- cial graphs we generate randomized R-MAT matrices in parallel; a MapReduce version of this operation is also described. Performance and scalability results for the various algorithms are presented for varying size graphs on a distributed-memory cluster. For some cases, we com- pare the results with non-MapReduce algorithms, different machines, and different MapReduce software, namely Hadoop. Our open-source library is written in C++, is callable from C++, C, Fortran, or scripting languages such as Python, and can run on any parallel platform that supports MPI.

Apache HAMA http://blogs.apache.org/hama/

A middleware for parallel processing of large graphs, 2010
With the increasing “data deluge” scientists face today, the analysis and processing of large datasets of structured data is a daring task. Among such data, large graphs are gaining particular importance with the growing interest on social networks and other complex networks. Given the dimensions considered, parallel pro- cessing is essential. However, users are generally not experts in writing parallel code to handle such structures. In this work we present Rendero, a middleware that makes it possible to easily de- scribe graph algorithms in a form adequate for parallel execution. The system is based on the Bulk-Synchronous programming model and offers a vertex-based abstraction. Our current implementation offers good speed-up and scale-up results for large graphs ranging from tens of thousands to millions of vertices and edges in some cases.

Early Experiences on Accelerating Dijkstra’s Algorithm Using Transactional Memory

In this paper we use Dijkstra’s algorithm as a challenging, hard to parallelize paradigm to test the efficacy of several par- allelization techniques in a multicore architecture. We consider the application of Transactional Memory (TM) as a means of concurrent accesses to shared data and compare its perfor- mance with straightforward parallel versions of the algorithm based on traditional synchronization primitives. To increase the granularity of parallelism and avoid excessive synchro- nization, we combine TM with Helper Threading (HT). Our simulation results demonstrate that the straightforward par- allelization of Dijkstra’s algorithm with traditional locks and barriers has, as expected, disappointing performance. On the other hand, TM by itself is able to provide some performance improvement in several cases, while the version based on TM and HT exhibits a significant performance improvement that can reach up to a speedup of 1.46.

GPU-based SSSP

Performance Improvement in Large Graph Algorithms on GPU using CUDA: An Overview, 2010

The basic operations on the graphs with millions of vertices are common in various applications. To have faster execution of such operations is very essential to reduce overall computation time. Today’s Graphics processing units (GPUs) have high computation power and low price. This device can be treated as an array of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processors using CUDA software interface by Nvidia. Massively Multithreaded architecture of a CUDA device makes various threads to run in parallel and hence making optimum use of available computation power of GPU. In case of graph algorithms, vertices of the graphs are processed in parallel by mapping them to various threads on device. By making thousands of threads to run in parallel, computation time required for these algorithms is drastically decreased as compared to their CPU implementation.
We studied different parallel algorithms for Breadth first search, all pairs shortest path that are carried out on GPU using CUDA and make their comparative study with respect to execution time, data structure used, input data etc. In the paper, we presented overview of various parallel methods carried out on GPU using its multithreaded architecture for BFS, APSP by various authors.

Accelerating CUDA Graph Algorithms at Maximum Warp, 2007
Graphs are powerful data representations favored in many compu- tational domains. Modern GPUs have recently shown promising re- sults in accelerating computationally challenging graph problems but their performance suffers heavily when the graph structure is highly irregular, as most real-world graphs tend to be. In this study, we first observe that the poor performance is caused by work imbal- ance and is an artifact of a discrepancy between the GPU program- ming model and the underlying GPU architecture. We then propose a novel virtual warp-centric programming method that exposes the traits of underlying GPU architectures to users. Our method signif- icantly improves the performance of applications with heavily im- balanced workloads, and enables trade-offs between workload im- balance and ALU underutilization for fine-tuning the performance.
Our evaluation reveals that our method exhibits up to 9x speedup over previous GPU algorithms and 12x over single thread CPU execution on irregular graphs. When properly configured, it also yields up to 30% improvement over previous GPU algorithms on regular graphs. In addition to performance gains on graph algo- rithms, our programming method achieves 1.3x to 15.1x speedup on a set of GPU benchmark applications. Our study also confirms that the performance gap between GPUs and other multi-threaded CPU graph implementations is primarily due to the large difference in memory bandwidth.

A modified parallel approach to Single Source Shortest Path Problem for massively dense graphs using CUDA, 2011
Today's Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) possess enormous computation power with highly parallel and multithreaded architecture, and the most attractive feature being their low costs. NVIDIA's CUDA provides an interface to the developers to use the GPUs for General Purpose Parallel Computing. In this paper, we present a modified algorithm of Single Source Shortest Path Problem on GPU using CUDA. First, we modify the standard BELLMAN-FORD algorithm to remove its drawbacks and make it suitable for parallel implementation, and then implement it using CUDA. For dense graphs, our Algorithm gains a speedup of 10×–12× over the previously proposed parallel algorithm. Our Algorithm also accept graphs with negative weighted edges and can detect any reachable Negative Weighted Cycle, which widens its scope to accept generalized problems.

CUDA Solutions for the SSSP Problem
We present several algorithms that solve the single-source shortest-path problem using CUDA. We have run them on a database, composed of hundreds of large graphs represented by adjacency lists and adjacency matrices, achieving high speedups regarding a CPU implementation based on Fibonacci heaps. Concerning correctness, we outline why our solutions work, and show that a previous approach [10] is incorrect.

Accelerating Large Graph Algorithms on the GPU Using CUDA, Pawan Harish and P.J. Narayanan,

Largegraphsinvolvingmillionsofverticesarecommoninmanyprac- tical applications and are challenging to process. Practical-time implementations using high-end computers are reported but are accessible only to a few. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of today have high computation power and low price. They have a restrictive programming model and are tricky to use. The G80 line of Nvidia GPUs can be treated as a SIMD processor array using the CUDA pro- gramming model. We present a few fundamental algorithms – including breadth first search, single source shortest path, and all-pairs shortest path – using CUDA on large graphs. We can compute the single source shortest path on a 10 million vertex graph in 1.5 seconds using the Nvidia 8800GTX GPU costing $600. In some cases optimal sequential algorithm is not the fastest on the GPU architec- ture. GPUs have great potential as high-performance co-processors.


本論文では全点対最短経路(APSP:All-Pairs Shortest Path)問題をGPU(Graphics Processing Unit)を用いて高速化した結果を述べる.提案手法は,GPUで動作するプログラムをGPU向けの開発環境CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)を用いて記述する.アルゴリズムには単一始点最短経路を繰り返し求める手法(SSSP反復法)を用いる.問題全体での逐次処理を減らしてより高い速度向上を得るために,1っのSSSP問題を1つのタスクとし,それらのタスクを並列処理する.さらに,共有メモリを用いてタスク間でデータを共有し,グローバルメモリの参照を削減する.結果,既存手法よりも3.5〜18倍高速であった.また,SSSP反復法の性能がグラフの特性に依存して変動することを示す.