

Here is a list of accepted papers for PADS 2013 that are all relevant to our agent-based simulations.

  • Accelerating Optimistic HLA-based Simulations in Virtual Execution Environments
  • A Time Management Optimization Framework for Large-Scale Distributed Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation
  • An Expansion-aided Synchronous Conservative Time Management Algorithm on GPU
  • Towards Performance Evaluation of Conservative Distributed Discrete-Event Network Simulations Using Second-Order Simulation
  • Event Pool Structures for PDES on Many-Core Beowulf Clusters
  • Modeling Communication Software Execution for Accurate Simulation of Distributed Systems
  • GPU Accelerated Three-stage Execution Model for Event-Parallel Simulation
  • Designing Computational Steering Facilities for Distributed Agent Based Simulations
  • TerraME HPA: Parallel Simulation of Multi-Agent Systems over SMPs
  • Optimizing Parallel Simulation of Multicore Systems Using Domain-Specific Knowledge
  • Data Assimilation in Agent Based Simulation of Smart Environment
  • On the Parallel Simulation of Scale-Free Networks
  • Warp Speed: Executing Time Warp on 1,966,080 Cores

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