協調フィルタリング用 特異値分解の GPU 用による高速化
Singular Value Decomposition for Collaborative Filtering on a GPU, 2010
A collaborative ltering predicts customers' unknown preferences from known preferences. In a computation of the collaborative ltering, a singular value decomposition (SVD) is needed to reduce the size of a large scale matrix so that the burden for the next phase computation will be decreased. In this application, SVD means a roughly approximated factorization of a given matrix into smaller sized matrices. Webb (a.k.a. Simon Funk) showed an e ffective algorithm to compute SVD toward a solution of an open competition called "NetixPrize". The algorithm utilizes an iterative method so that the error of approximation improves in each step of the iteration. We give a GPU version of Webb's algorithm. Our algorithm is implemented in the CUDA and it is shown to be effi cient by an experiment.
Collaborative Filtering 関連の参考論文
A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques, 2009
Yunhong Zhou, Large-scale Parallel Collaborative Filtering forthe Netflix Prize
13 年前
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