Design Patterns for Efficient Graph Algorithms in MapReduce
Jimmy Lin, Michael Schatz, University of Maryland
Graphs are analyzed in many important contexts, including ranking search results based on the hyperlink structure of the world wide web, module detection of protein-protein interaction networks, and privacy analysis of social networks. MapReduce provides an enabling technology for large-scale graph processing. However, there appears to be a paucity of knowledge on designing scalable graph algorithms. Existing best practices for MapReduce graph algorithms have significant shortcomings that limit performance, especially with respect to partitioning, serializing, and distributing the graph. We present three design patterns that address these issues and can be used to accelerate a large class of graph algorithms based on message passing, exemplified by PageRank. Experiments show that the application of our design patterns reduces the running time of PageRank on a web graph with 1.4 billion edges by 69%.
Graph Processing with MapReduce
13 年前
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