汎用グラフ処理システム HipG. 強連結成分分解を実装し、PBGL (Parallel Boost Graph Library) と hand-written の C/MPI を用いて速度的な優位性を示す。
Distributed processing of real-world graphs is challenging due to their size and the inherent irregular structure of graph computations. We present HipG, a distributed framework that facilitates programming parallel graph algorithms by composing the parallel application automatically from the user-defined pieces of sequential work on graph nodes. To make the user code high-level, the framework provides a unified interface to executing methods on local and non-local graph nodes and an abstraction of exclusive execution. The graph computations are managed by logical objects called synchronizers, which we used, for example, to implement distributed divide-and-conquer decomposition into strongly connected components. The code written in HipG is independent of a particular graph representation, to the point that the graph can be created on-the-fly, i.e. by the algorithm that computes on this graph, which we used to implement a distributed model checker. HipG programs are in general short and elegant; they achieve good portability, memory utilization, and performance.
13 年前
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