Here are the minutes of the meeting we had with Andy,
There is no MatLab code or MPI code. Miyuru need to create an MPI implementation of the graph generator.
The reason why current methods (e.g. RMAT) not good is there is a low level of clustering coefficient. We need a generator that creates data set with very high clustering coefficient of data points.
The proposed method starts with Quasi Cliques. There are non-zero elements in the Matrix.
Miyuru should read the look for Chung-Lu model. There is a paper published around 2001-2002.
The basic idea is given a degree distribution the implementation should extract the model out of it.
So the main activities are,
- Create a MatLab model of the generator
- Port MatLab code to MPI
- Do experiments of the graph generator with Tsubame
13 年前
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