Measure Large Scale Network Security Using Adjacency Matrix Attack Graphs
An Attack Graph capable of disclosing causal relationships between multiple vulnerabilities has become a desirable tool for administrators to analyze and locate potential risks to protect critical networked resources against internal or external multi-step attacks. However, probabilistic security metric computations, using currently applied attack graphs, have complexity problems due to their scale. It is hard or even impossible for current attack graphs to be applied to large scale networks. This paper proposes a novel approach that combines the advantages of exploit-dependency attack graphs and adjacency matrices, which results in quadratic complexity. We first give a motivating example to introduce the approach. We then define the adjacency matrix attack graphs. We show that computing probabilistic cumulative scores by means of adjacency matrix attack graphs is efficient and readily scalable.
BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection
Network security applications often require analyzing
huge volumes of data to identify abnormal patterns or
activities. The emergence of cloud-computing models
opens up new opportunities to address this challenge by
leveraging the power of parallel computing.
In this paper, we design and implement a novel system
called BotGraph to detect a new type of botnet spamming
attacks targeting major Web email providers. Bot-
Graph uncovers the correlations among botnet activities
by constructing large user-user graphs and looking for
tightly connected subgraph components. This enables us
to identify stealthy botnet users that are hard to detect
when viewed in isolation. To deal with the huge data
volume, we implement BotGraph as a distributed application
on a computer cluster, and explore a number of
performance optimization techniques. Applying it to two
months of Hotmail log containing over 500 million users,
BotGraph successfully identified over 26 million botnetcreated
user accounts with a low false positive rate. The
running time of constructing and analyzing a 220GB Hotmail
log is around 1.5 hours with 240 machines. We believe
both our graph-based approach and our implementations
are generally applicable to a wide class of security
applications for analyzing large datasets.
13 年前
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