- Andrew McGregor: Graph stream algorithms: a survey. SIGMOD Record 43(1): 9-20 (2014)
- Renzo Angles, Peter A. Boncz, Josep-Lluis Larriba-Pey, Irini Fundulaki, Thomas Neumann, Orri Erling, Peter Neubauer, Norbert Martínez-Bazan, Venelin Kotsev, Ioan Toma: The linked data benchmark council: a graph and RDF industry benchmarking effort. SIGMOD Record 43(1): 27-31 (2014)
- Jianlong Zhong, Bingsheng He: Medusa: A Parallel Graph Processing System on Graphics Processors. SIGMOD Record 43(2): 35-40 (2014)
- Jungeun Kim, Jae-Gil Lee: Community Detection in Multi-Layer Graphs: A Survey. SIGMOD Record 44(3): 37-48 (2015)
- Takumi Nito, Yoshiko Nagasaka, Hiroshi Uchigaito: Large-Scale BSP Graph Processing in Distributed Non-Volatile Memory. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 1:1-1:6
- Dung T. Nguyen, Molham Aref, Martin Bravenboer, George Kollias, Hung Q. Ngo, Christopher Ré, Atri Rudra: Join Processing for Graph Patterns: An Old Dog with New Tricks. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 2:1-2:8
- Ioanna Filippidou, Yannis Kotidis: Online Partitioning of Multi-Labeled Graphs. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 3:1-3:6
- Nathan Hawes, Ben Barham, Cristina Cifuentes: Frappé: Querying the Linux Kernel Dependency Graph. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 4:1-4:6
- Oshini Goonetilleke, Saket Sathe, Timos K. Sellis, Xiuzhen Zhang: Microblogging Queries on Graph Databases: An Introspection. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 5:1-5:6
- Joan Guisado-Gámez, Arnau Prat-Pérez: Understanding Graph Structure of Wikipedia for Query Expansion. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 6:1-6:6
- Mihai Capota, Tim Hegeman, Alexandru Iosup, Arnau Prat-Pérez, Orri Erling, Peter A. Boncz: Graphalytics: A Big Data Benchmark for Graph-Processing Platforms. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 7:1-7:6
- Shahan Khatchadourian, Mariano P. Consens: Constructing Bisimulation Summaries on a Multi-Core Graph Processing Framework. GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2015: 8:1-8:7
- Qi Fan, Kian-Lee Tan: Towards Window Analytics over Large-scale Graphs. SIGMOD PhD Symposium 2015: 15-19
- Antonio Maccioni: Flexible Query Answering over Graph-modeled Data. SIGMOD PhD Symposium 2015: 27-32
- Andrew McGregor: Graph stream algorithms: a survey. SIGMOD Record 43(1): 9-20 (2014)
- Renzo Angles, Peter A. Boncz, Josep-Lluis Larriba-Pey, Irini Fundulaki, Thomas Neumann, Orri Erling, Peter Neubauer, Norbert Martínez-Bazan, Venelin Kotsev, Ioan Toma: The linked data benchmark council: a graph and RDF industry benchmarking effort. SIGMOD Record 43(1): 27-31 (2014)
- Jianlong Zhong, Bingsheng He: Medusa: A Parallel Graph Processing System on Graphics Processors. SIGMOD Record 43(2): 35-40 (2014)
- Matteo Lissandrini, Davide Mottin, Themis Palpanas, Dimitra Papadimitriou, Yannis Velegrakis: Unleashing the Power of Information Graphs. SIGMOD Record 43(4): 21-26 (2014)
- Michael D. Lieberman, Sutanay Choudhury, Marisa Hughes, Dennis Patrone, Robert T. Hider Jr., Christine D. Piatko, Matthew Chapman, J. P. Marple, David Silberberg: Parasol: An Architecture for Cross-Cloud Federated Graph Querying. DanaC@SIGMOD 2014: 4:1-4:4
13 年前
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