- Naga K. Govindaraju,"Fast and approximate stream mining of quantiles and frequencies using graphics processors",SIGMO 2005 [PDF]
- Rui Fang, et.al, "GPUQP: query co-processing using graphics processors", SIGMOD 2007, [PDF]
- Pedro Trancoso, "Data parallel acceleration of decision support queries using Cell/BE and GPUs, Conference On Computing Frontiers 2009
- Hadi Moradi, "A Real-Time GPU-Based Wall Detection Algorithm for Mapping and Navigation in Indoor Environments",
- Streaming Algorithms for Biological Sequence Alignment on GPUs
- Designing Efficient Sorting Algorithms for Manycore GPUs, IPDPS2009
- Offloading IDS Computation to the GPU, 2006
- GPU-Accelerated Text Mining, SIGMOD2005
- Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance IR Query Processing, WWW2008
- The GPU on biomedical image processing for color and phenotype,
- GPU Accelerated Radio Astronomy Signal Convolution,
- Scalable Clustering Using Graphics Processors (PDF)
- GPU-based computation of distance functions on road networks with
- VLDB 2006 Tutorial , "Query co-Processing on commodity processors" (PDF)
- A Fast Similarity Join Algorithm Using Graphics Processing Units, M. D. Lieberman, ICDE 2008, (PDF)
13 年前
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