今年5月16日から20日まで US で開催される IPDPS 2011 のプログラムが以下に掲載されました。
- Multi-GPU MapReduce on GPU Clusters
- X10 as a parallel language for scientific computation: practice and experience
- Communication Optimizations for Distributed-Memory X10 Programs
- Graph Partitioning with Natural Cuts
- A Scalable and Elastic Publish/Subscribe Service
- CATCH: A Cloud-based Adaptive Data Transfer Service for HPC
- DryadOpt: Branch-and-Bound on Distributed Data-Parallel Execution Engines
- Profiling Heterogeneous Multi-GPU Systems to Accelerate Cortically Inspired Learning Algorithms
- PHAST: Hardware-Accelerated Shortest Path Trees
- Using Shared Memory to Accelerate MapReduce on Graphics Processing Units
- Computing Strongly Connected Components in Parallel on CUDA
- Fast Community Detection Algorithm With GPUs and Multi-core Architectures
- The Weighted Byzantine Agreement Problem
- Automated architecture-aware mapping of streaming applications onto GPUs
- Tolerant Value Speculation in Coarse-Grain Streaming Computations
- A Performance and Area Efficient Architecture for Intrusion Detection Systems
- Communication-Avoiding QR Decomposition for GPUs
- Architectural constraints to attain 1 Exaflop/s on three scientific application classes
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