Cyber Security Risks Assessment with Bayesian Defense Graphs and Architectural Models
To facilitate rational decision making regarding cyber security investments, decision makers need to be able to assess expected losses before and after potential investments. This paper presents a model based assessment framework for analyzing the cyber security provided by different architectural scenarios. The framework uses the Bayesian statistics based extended influence diagrams to express attack graphs and related countermeasures. In this paper it is demonstrated how this structure can be captured in an abstract model to support analysis based on architectural models. The approach allows calculating the probability that attacks will succeed and the expected loss of these given the instantiated architectural scenario. Moreover, the framework can handle the uncertainties that are accompanied to the analyses. In architectural analysis there are uncertainties acquainted both to the scenario and its properties, as well as to the analysis framework that stipulates how security countermeasures contribute to cyber security.
entrifuge 2.0 - Cyber Security Analysis - Identify Insights with Relationship Graphs
Attack Graphs for Proactive Digital Forensics
A Mathematical Basis for Science-Based Cybersecurity
Mining Graph Patterns Efficiently via Randomized Summaries
Graphs are prevalent in many domains such as Bioinformatics, social networks, Web and cyber-security. Graph pattern
mining has become an important tool in the management
and analysis of complexly structured data, where example
applications include indexing, clustering and classification.
Existing graph mining algorithms have achieved great success by exploiting various properties in the pattern space.
Unfortunately, due to the fundamental role subgraph isomorphism plays in these methods, they may all enter into a
pitfall when the cost to enumerate a huge set of isomorphic
embeddings blows up, especially in large graphs.
The solution we propose for this problem resorts to reduction on the data space. For each graph, we build a summary of it and mine this shrunk graph instead. Compared
to other data reduction techniques that either reduce the
number of transactions or compress between transactions,
this new framework, called Summarize-Mine, suggests a
third path by compressing within transactions. SummarizeMine is effective in cutting down the size of graphs, thus
decreasing the embedding enumeration cost. However, compression might lose patterns at the same time. We address
this issue by generating randomized summaries and repeating the process for multiple rounds, where the main idea is
that true patterns are unlikely to miss from all rounds. We
provide strict probabilistic guarantees on pattern loss likelihood. Experiments on real malware trace data show that
Summarize-Mine is very efficient, which can find interesting malware fingerprints that were not revealed previously
Cyber Security Link Analysis Graph
This visualization shows interesting patterns of behavior for recent network login traffic. The linkages are between source and destination IPs. The circular stars show one-to-one relationships representing normal behavior. But the unusual pattern in the lower central shows a destintation IP under attack -- it has over 100 hundred source IPs sending it traffic.
Oil Companies Stepping up Cyber Security as Hacking Attacks Increase
An Attack Graph Based Approach for Threat Identification of an Enterprise Network
The science of cyber security experimentation: the DETER project
Since 2004, the DETER Cyber-security Project has worked to create an evolving infrastructure - facilities, tools, and processes - to provide a national resource for experimentation in cyber security. Building on our insights into requirements for cyber science and on lessons learned through 8 years of operation, we have made several transformative advances towards creating the next generation of DeterLab. These advances in experiment design and research methodology are yielding progressive improvements not only in experiment scale, complexity, diversity, and repeatability, but also in the ability of researchers to leverage prior experimental efforts of other researchers in the DeterLab user community. This paper describes the advances resulting in a new experimentation science and a transformed facility for cybersecurity research development and evaluation.
Blog Data Mining for Cyber Security Threats
Blog data mining is a growing research area that addresses the domainspecific problem of extracting information from blog data. In our work, we analyzed
blogs for various categories of cyber threats related to the detection of security
threats and cyber crime. We have extended the Author-Topic model based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation for identify patterns of similarities in keywords and dates
distributed across blog documents. From this model, we visualized the content and
date similarities using the Isomap dimensionality reduction technique. Our findings
support the theory that our probabilistic blog model can present the blogosphere in
terms of topics with measurable keywords, hence aiding the investigative processes
to understand and respond to critical cyber security events and threats.
Insider Threat Detection Using Graph-Based Approach
Protecting our nation’s cyber infrastructure and
securing sensitive information are critical challenges
for homeland security and require the research,
development and deployment of new technologies
that can be transitioned into the field for combating
cyber security risks. Particular areas of concern are
the deliberate and intended actions associated with
malicious exploitation, theft or destruction of data, or
the compromise of networks, communications or
other IT resources, of which the most harmful and
difficult to detect threats are those propagated by an
insider. However, current efforts to identify
unauthorized access to information, such as what is
found in document control and management systems,
are limited in scope and capabilities.
In order to address this issue, this effort involves
performing further research and development on the
existing Graph-Based Anomaly Detection (GBAD)
system [3]. GBAD discovers anomalous instances of
structural patterns in data that represent entities,
relationships and actions. Input to GBAD is a labeled
graph in which entities are represented by labeled
vertices and relationships or actions are represented
by labeled edges between entities. Using the
minimum description length (MDL) principle to
identify the normative pattern that minimizes the
number of bits needed to describe the input graph
after being compressed by the pattern, GBAD
implements algorithms for identifying the three
possible changes to a graph: modifications,
insertions and deletions. Each algorithm discovers
those substructures that match the closest to the
normative pattern without matching exactly. As a
result, GBAD is looking for those activities that
appear to match normal (or legitimate) transactions,
but in fact are structurally different.
As a solution to the problem of insider threat
detection, we will apply GBAD to datasets that
represent the flow of information between entities, as
well as the actions that take place on the information.
This research involves the representation of datasets,
like a document control and management system, as a
graph, enhancement of GBAD’s performance levels,
and evaluation of GBAD on these datasets. In
previous research, GBAD has already achieved over
95% accuracy detecting anomalies in simulated
domains, with minimal false positives, on graphs of
up to 100,000 vertices.
13 年前
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