EigenDiagnostics: Spotting Connection Patterns and Outliers in Large Graphs
In a large weighted graph, how can we detect suspicious sub graphs, patterns, and outliers? A suspicious pattern could be a near-clique or a set of nodes bridging two or more near-cliques. This would improve intrusion detection in computer networks and network traffic monitoring. Are there other network patterns that need to be detected? We propose EigenDiagnostics, a fast algorithm that spots such patterns. The process creates scatter-plots of the node properties (such as eigenscores, degree, and weighted degree), then looks for linear-like patterns. Our tool automatically discovers such plots, using the Hough transform from machine vision. We apply EigenDiagnostics on a wide variety of synthetic and real data (LBNL computer traffic, movie-actor data from IMDB, Patent citations, and more). EigenDiagnostics finds surprising patterns. They appear to correspond to port-scanning (in computer networks), repetitive tasks with bot-net-like behavior, strange gbridgesh in movie-actor data (due to actors changing careers, for example), and more. The advantages are: (a) it is effective in discovering surprising patterns. (b) it is fast (linear on the number of edges) (c) it is parameter-free, and (d) it is general, and applicable to many, diverse graphs, spanning tens of GigaBytes.
Mining and Modeling Real Graphs: Patterns, Generators, Anomalies, and Tools
Community-based anomaly detection in evolutionary networks
Networks of dynamic systems, including social networks, the World Wide Web, climate networks, and biological networks, can be highly clustered. Detecting clusters, or communities, in such dynamic networks is an emerging area of research; however, less work has been done in terms of detecting community-based anomalies. While there has been some previous work on detecting anomalies in graph-based data, none of these anomaly detection approaches have considered an important property of evolutionary networks—their community structure. In this work, we present an approach to uncover community-based anomalies in evolutionary networks characterized by overlapping communities. We develop a parameter-free and scalable algorithm using a proposed representative-based technique to detect all six possible types of community-based anomalies: grown, shrunken, merged, split, born, and vanished communities. We detail the underlying theory required to guarantee the correctness of the algorithm. We measure the performance of the community-based anomaly detection algorithm by comparison to a non–representative-based algorithm on synthetic networks, and our experiments on synthetic datasets show that our algorithm achieves a runtime speedup of 11–46 over the baseline algorithm. We have also applied our algorithm to two real-world evolutionary networks, Food Web and Enron Email. Significant and informative community-based anomaly dynamics have been detected in both cases.
Using Bayesian Networks for Cyber Security Analysis
Capturing the uncertain aspects in cyber security is important for security analysis in enterprise networks. However, there has been insufficient effort in studying what modeling approaches correctly capture such uncertainty, and how to construct the models to make them useful in practice. In this paper, we present our work on justifying uncertainty modeling for cyber security, and initial evidence indicating that it is a useful approach. Our work is centered around near real-time security analysis such as intrusion response. We need to know what is really happening, the scope and severity level, possible consequences, and potential countermeasures. We report our current efforts on identifying the important types of uncertainty and on using Bayesian networks to capture them for enhanced security analysis. We build an example Bayesian network based on a current security graph model, justify our modeling approach through attack semantics and experimental study, and show that the resulting Bayesian network is not sensitive to parameter perturbation.
Applying Graph-Based Anomaly Detection Approaches to the Discovery of Insider Threats
The ability to mine data represented as a graph has
become important in several domains for detecting various
structural patterns. One important area of data mining is
anomaly detection, but little work has been done in terms of
detecting anomalies in graph-based data. In this paper we
present graph-based approaches to uncovering anomalies in
applications containing information representing possible insider
threat activity: e-mail, cell-phone calls, and order processing.
Graph-based malware detection using dynamic analysis
Visualizing graph dynamics and similarity for enterprise network security and management
Managing complex enterprise networks requires an understanding at a finer granularity than traditional network monitoring. The ability to correlate and visualize the dynamics and inter-relationships among various network components such as hosts, users, and applications is non-trivial. In this paper, we propose a visualization approach based on the hierarchical structure of similarity/difference visualization in the context of heterogeneous graphs. The concept of hierarchical visualization starts with the evolution of inter-graph states, adapts to the visualization of intra-graph clustering, and concludes with the visualization of similarity between individual nodes. Our visualization tool, ENAVis (Enterprise Network Activities Visualization), quantifies and presents these important changes and dynamics essential to network operators through a visually appealing and highly interactive manner. Through novel graph construction and transformation, such as network connectivity graphs, MDS graphs, bipartite graphs, and similarity graphs, we demonstrate how similarity/dynamics can be effectively visualized to provide insight with regards to network understanding.
A Graph Similarity-based Approach to Security
Event Analysis Using Correlation Techniques
—Detecting and identifying security events to provide
cyber situation awareness has become an increasingly important
task within the network research and development community.
We propose a graph similarity-based approach to event detection
and identification that integrates a number of techniques to
collect time-varying situation information, extract correlations
between event attributes, and characterize and identify security
events. Diverging from the traditional rule- or statistical-based
pattern matching techniques, the proposed mechanism represents
security events in a graphical form of correlation networks and
identifies security events through the computation of graph similarity measurements to eliminate the need for constructing user
or system profiles. These technical components take fundamentally different approaches from traditional empirical or statistical
methods and are designed based on rigorous computational
analysis with mathematically proven performance guarantee.
The performance superiority of the proposed mechanism is
demonstrated by extensive simulation and experimental results
Graph Based Statistical Analysis of Network Traffic
We propose a method for analyzing tra c data in large com-
puter networks such as big enterprise networks or the In-
ternet. Our approach combines graph theoretical represen-
tation of the data and graph analysis with novel statistical
methods for discovering pattern and time-related anomalies.
We model the tra c as a graph and use temporal charac-
teristics of the data in order to decompose it into subgraphs
corresponding to individual sessions, whose characteristics
are then analyzed using statistical methods. The goal of
that analysis is to discover patterns in the network tra c
data that might indicate intrusion activity or other mali-
cious behavior
Using Graph Theory to Detect Security Policy Violators
Understanding Multistage Attacks by Attack-Track based Visualization of Heterogeneous Event Streams
In this paper, we present a method of handling the visualization of hetereogeneous event traffic that is generated by
intrusion detection sensors, log files and other event sources
on a computer network from the point of view of detecting
multistage attack paths that are of importance. We perform
aggregation and correlation of these events based on their semantic content to generate Attack Tracks that are displayed
to the analyst in real-time. Our tool, called the Event Correlation for Cyber-Attack Recognition System (ECCARS) enables the analyst to distinguish and separate an
evolving multistage attack from the thousands of events generated on a network. We focus here on presenting the environment and framework for multistage attack detection
using ECCARS along with screenshots that demonstrate its
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Scenario Graphs Applied to Network Security
Traditional model checking produces one counterexample to illustrate a violation of a property by a
model of the system. Some applications benefit from having all counterexamples, not just one. We call this set of
counterexamples a scenario graph. In this chapter we present two different algorithms for producing scenario graphs
and explain how scenario graphs are a natural representation for attack graphs used in the security community.
Through a detailed concrete example, we show how we can model a computer network and generate and analyze
attack graphs automatically. The attack graph we produce for a network model shows all ways in which an intruder
can violate a given desired security property
Network Security Evaluation through Attack Graph Generation
In today’s network, security evaluation is a challenging
task for most of the administrators. The typical means by which an
attacker breaks into a network is through a series of exploits, where
each exploit in the series satisfies the precondition for subsequent
exploits and makes a causal relationship among them. Such a series of
exploits constitutes an attack path and the set of all possible attack
paths form an attack graph. Even the well administered networks are
susceptible to such attacks as present day vulnerability scanners are
only able to identify the vulnerabilities in isolation but there is a need
for logical formalism and correlation among these vulnerabilities
within a host or across multiple hosts to identify overall risk of the
network. In this paper we propose a network security analysis method
by the generation of network attack graph. After analyzing network
vulnerabilities, linking relation between devices and the characteristic
of attack, the model of network security states is built, and the
generating algorithm of attack graph is implemented. Attack graphs
are important tools for analyzing security vulnerabilities in enterprise
networks. The experiment validates the evaluation method we
13 年前
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