
StreamGPU -次元数を高くしたときの性能劣化の問題

の API を見ると、

typedef enum
culaNoError, // No error
culaNotInitialized, // CULA has not been initialized
culaNoHardware, // No hardware is available to run
culaFeatureNotImplemented, // The requested feature has not been implemented
culaInsufficientComputeCapability, // Available GPUs do not support the requested operation
culaInsufficientMemory, // There is insufficient memory to continue
culaArgumentError, // An invalid argument was passed to a function
culaDataError, // An operation could not complete because of singular data
culaBlasError, // A blas error was encountered
culaRuntimeError // A runtime error has occurred

と status が見えるので、NoError 以外のときはこれをデバッグで

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